
  • fog

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Made some potato chips... they were mostly awful.

all in the name of art

or in the name of free food

Thursday, April 15, 2010

A little bit of Melvin to start you off right.

And now,

from my installation, "I used to have a thing for ladders..."

I brought lots of broken champagne flutes and wine bottles to throw out of the windows and I wanted the whole class to join in but only 2 or 3 people did. Then the eggs ran out and just about everyone chose to forgo throwing glass three stories onto grass --though it was in an area VERY rarely traversed by pedestrians let alone maintenance crews, I might to add. Patrick Killoran got all nervous and ended up going down to clean up the glass pieces and the lightbulb before I could go and pick them up for myself.

I wasn't planning on throwing the ladders out the window but once suggested to me it became a serious idea.

Mr. Tidd said "I used to have a Thing for ladders and now I have a Thing for throwing breakables out windows."

Have you heard how he laughs? (It's delightful...)

Also, no one noticed my chair arrangement so I didn't mention it.

Back to the ladders!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A small dog hiding under a fat man's leg, yes that is a man.


Thursday, April 8, 2010 installation I did. Used a lot of hair (of my own and of others), crisp bags upside down, a bottle containing a bit of my own vomit was the reason for the title "Vomit"... poetic, I know. Loads of puzzle pieces tossed all over. Thank you Tony for the broken things you gave me.

my installation on the creation myth of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, titled "Two Trees"

unused tattoo design for Jessica

Obama's State of The Union Address. I made a word collage out of it, and then made a song out of that.

Ben's tattoo merwoman hanging onto Robert Redford's stash.

and sliding...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

you may notice a gap in entries... like December to April...

I'm not going to explain it to you.